How do I create an FTP account?

What are FTP Accounts?
FTP Accounts allow you to access your web site's files through a protocol called FTP, or File Transfer Protocol. You will need a third party FTP program to access your files. You can login to a FTP by entering the domain name you are currently using when you create the FTP account. The domain name will be the host name. You will also use the username and password of the account you wish to log into after successfully creating the FTP account as describe in the following instructions.
Creating An FTP Account
1. Set the following: 
  • Login - Enter the username you want to use for this particular FTP account.
  • Password - Enter the password you want to use for this particular FTP account. (Note: When you tab or click on the "Password" text box, the next setting automatically defaults to the root/public_html/LOGIN or USERNAME you entered above. You can change the location according to your own specific needs.)
  • Directory - By default the "Directory" text box will automatically be populated with the root/public_html/LOGIN or USERNAME you entered above. You can change the location according to your own specific needs.
  • Quota (MB) - By default the "Quota" text box is populated with "Unlimited." This means the FTP account you are creating will have an unlimited amount of disk space. Even if you leave it set as the default "Unlimited," the actual disk space used by the FTP account will not exceed the amount of disk space allocated to the domain the account is residing. 
2. Click on the "Create" button.
3. You will see the following statement:
"The FTP account LOGIN with password PASSWORD was added and a quote of QUOTA megs (0 or blank is unlimited).."
4. Click on the "Go Back" link.
5. When the page loads, you will see an "Accounts Management" table consisting of the following information split into six columns: 
  • User - This entry shows the login/username for the associated FTP account.
  • Type - This entry shows various icons depending on the type of FTP account. View the "Legend" table for further information.
  • Directory - This entry shows the location of the FTP account (the FTP user is restricted to the directory defined in this entry).
  • Disk Usage - This entry shows the amount of disk space used by the associated FTP account.
  • Quota - This entry shows the amount of disk space allocated to the associated FTP account.
  • Functions - This entry provides the following options:
    • Delete - Click on the "Delete" icon to delete the FTP account from the system.
    • Edit Quota - Click on the "Edit Quota" icon to change or modify the amount of disk space allocated to the associated FTP account.
    • Change Password - Click on the "Change Password" icon to change or modify the password of the associated FTP account.
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